Results for 'María Cristina García Pascual'

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  1.  8
    De la negación a la catarsis. El debate en torno a la pandemia de la COVID-19 1.María Cristina García Pascual - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
    En la gran discusión pública en torno a la pandemia de la COVID-19 fueposible identificar cuatro líneas argumentales que contenían un análisis delevento pandémico, una valoración y una predicción o propuesta futuro. Laprimera fue la de la negación o el engaño bajo el paradigma del Estado deexcepción permanente. La segunda cifró el peligro en la posible inacción delos Estados y en la consiguiente violación de la dignidad humana. La terceraconsideró la pandemia un acelerador de la crisis de los sistemas democráticosy (...)
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  2. Sense of Coherence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognition in Middle-Aged Adults.Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana-Sánchez, Kilian Abellaneda-Pérez, Cristina Portellano-Ortiz, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Vanessa Alviarez Schulze, Catherine Pachón-García, H. Zetterberg, Jose Maria Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, supported by new scientific evidence, the conceptualization of cognitive reserve has been progressively enriched and now encompasses not only cognitive stimulating activities or educational level, but also lifestyle activities, such as leisure physical activity and socialization. In this context, there is increasing interest in understanding the role of psychological factors in brain health and cognitive functioning. In a previous study, we have found that these factors mediated the relationship between CR and self-reported cognitive functioning. In this study, (...)
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    La Justicia transicional y el dilema de la sanción. Proceso penal y responsabilidad colectiva | Transitional justice and the sanción dilemma. Criminal proceedings and collective responsibility.Cristina García Pascual - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:44-63.
    RESUMEN: Según las normas de derecho internacional los Estados, frente a los crímenes mas graves, tienen una obligación ineludible, para con sus propios ciudadanos, pero también para con la comunidad internacional, de investigar, perseguir y castigar a los responsables. El desarrollo del derecho penal internacional y el carácter taxativo de las obligaciones de los Estados no ha evitado, sin embargo, que el procesamiento a los perpetradores de crímenes masivos sea considerado a menudo como una tarea imposible, irrealizable e incluso no (...)
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    Ciudadanía y vida social bajo el velo integral || Citizenship and social life under the burka.Cristina García Pascual - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 33:42-67.
    RESUMEN: El debate sobre el velo islámico, en sus múltiples formas, se mantiene en Europa desde hace décadas y parece estar lejos de poder darse por concluido. Sobre el modo en que van vestidas algunas mujeres musulmanas se extrae una consecuencia clara: una mujer velada es una mujer sometida, sumisa y controlada en el marco de un modelo patriarcal especialmente duro. Pero ¿es esto así? ¿la indumentaria de las mujeres nos ofrece toda esa información? o más aun ¿nos indica sin (...)
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    Assessing the Moderating Effect of the End User in Consumer Behavior: The Acceptance of Technological Implants to Increase Innate Human Capacities.Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo, Eva Reinares-Lara, Cristina Olarte-Pascual & Marta Garcia-Sierra - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  6. El teatro de la zona nacional durante la guerra civil española, 1936-1939: notas para su historia.María Teresa Cristina García Alvarez - 1990 - El Basilisco 6:53-68.
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    Stress, Emotional Intelligence and the Intention to Use Cannabis in Spanish Adolescents: Influence of COVID-19 Confinement.Cristina Liébana-Presa, María Cristina Martínez-Fernández, José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Elena Fernández-Martínez, Pilar Marqués-Sánchez & Isaías García-Rodríguez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The disease brought about by the SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 coronavirus has had an unprecedented global impact. Confinement to control the outbreak may have mental health consequences for the most vulnerable in the population, including adolescents. This study aims to describe and analyze the relationships between the stress variables, Emotional Intelligence and the intention to use cannabis in healthy adolescents, before and after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic containment stage. A comparative correlational study was carried out with validated self-completed questionnaires through (...)
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    Análisis de las adicciones comportamentales en el siglo XXI.Soledad Quero Castellano, Juana María Bretón López, Cristina Botella Arbona, Rosa María Baños Rivera & Azucena García-Palacios - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:34-43.
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    Ocio lúdico-cultural y relaciones intergeneracionales.María Ángeles Valdemoros San Emeterio, Magdalena Sáenz De Jubera Ocón, Rosa Ana Alonso Ruiz, Cristina Medrano Pascual & Mario Santamaría Baños - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-17.
    El objetivo fue examinar el valor del ocio lúdico y cultural compartido entre abuelos y nietos para el bienestar de ambas generaciones. Se utilizaron técnicas cuantitativas -cuestionario ad hoc administrado a 1080 estudiantes de primaria- y cualitativas-2 grupos de discusión-. Las actividades lúdicas y culturales fueron preferentesen el ocio compartido, practicándose más con las abuelas. Como aportacionesdestacaron el incremento de la comunicación, la diversión, el aprendizaje mutuo y elbienestar afectivo. La práctica de ocio cultural y lúdico intergeneracional se asociópositivamente con (...)
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  10.  42
    Assurance of corporate social responsibility reports: Does it reduce decoupling practices?Isabel-María García-Sánchez, Nazim Hussain, Cristina Aibar-Guzmán & Beatriz Aibar-Guzmán - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):118-138.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Do Affective Variables Make a Difference in Consumers Behavior Toward Mobile Advertising?María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz, Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta, Cristina Olarte-Pascual & Eva Reinares-Lara - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12. Value Creating Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies of Family and Non-Family Firms: An Interventionist Perspective.Isabel-María García-Sánchez, Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza, Cristina Aibar-Guzmán, Huda Khan, Nadia Zahoor & Shlomo Y. Tarba - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-41.
    This paper presents a study on how corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies create value amongst family and non-family firms. Additionally, in our study, we considered the moderating effect of independent directors on the relationship between CSR and firm value. Based on data drawn from companies operating in 61 countries over an 11-year period (i.e. from 2010 to 2020), our findings demonstrate that non-family firms derive market benefits from the governance improvements made by independent directors concerning CSR strategies. In contrast, the (...)
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    Local Prefrontal Cortex TMS-Induced Reactivity Is Related to Working Memory and Reasoning in Middle-Aged Adults.María Redondo-Camós, Gabriele Cattaneo, Ruben Perellón-Alfonso, Vanessa Alviarez-Schulze, Timothy P. Morris, Javier Solana-Sanchez, Goretti España-Irla, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Catherine Pachón-García, Sergiu Albu, Henrik Zetterberg, Josep M. Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartres-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in cognition, particularly in executive functions. Cortical reactivity measured with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation combined with Electroencephalography is altered in pathological conditions, and it may also be a marker of cognitive status in middle-aged adults. In this study, we investigated the associations between cognitive measures and TMS evoked EEG reactivity and explored whether the effects of this relationship were related to neurofilament light chain levels, a marker of neuroaxonal damage.MethodsFifty two healthy middle-aged adults from (...)
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  14.  26
    Entre escutas, encontros E pesquisas: A trajetória política E intelectual de Mary Garcia Castro.Eva Fonseca Silva Spinola & Maria Cristina Nascimento De Souza - 2019 - Odeere 4 (7):8.
    Esta entrevista tem como escopo registrar algumas das experiências e saberes de uma das maiores sociólogas do Brasil, Mary Garcia Castro. Graduada em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, mestre em Sociologia da Cultura pela mesma instituição. Também possui mestrado em Planejamento Urbano e Regional pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e doutorado em Sociologia pela University of Florida. Ela tem um vasto currículo marcado por atuações e publicações nacionais e internacionais. Mary Castro foi professora e pesquisadora da (...)
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    Teaching Augmented Reality.Rubén González, Jordán Pascual, Vicente García, Teobaldo Hernán Sagastegui & María Elena Alva - 2017 - In José María Ariso, Augmented Reality: Reflections on its Contribution to Knowledge Formation. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 295-308.
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  16.  21
    Estratificação do risco cardiovascular em cadeirantes jogadores de basquetebol.Kelen Cristina Estavanate de Castro, Ana Clara Garcia Guimarães, Guilherme Junio Silva, Marconi Guarienti, Maria Georgina Marques Tonello, Olímpio Pereira de Melo Neto, Karine Cristine de Almeida & Daniel dos Santos - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    Objetivou-se estratificar fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) em dez anos em jogadores de basquetebol em cadeiras de rodas. O percentual de risco cardiovascular foi estratificado pelos escores de Framingham (ERF) e de Risco Global (ERG). Dos treze jogadores avaliados, 38,46% apresentava sobrepeso e obesidade e 77%, alterações na porcentagem de gordura corporal e na circunferência abdominal. O ERF identificou 15,38% dos jogadores com risco intermediário para desenvolvimento de DCV e pelo ERG, 15,4% dos homens apresentava risco intermediário, 7,7% (...)
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    Crítica de libros.Rocío Orsi Portalo, Silvia Castro García, María Jou García, Sara Ferreiro Lago, Francisco Blanco Brotons, Ariel Martínez, Adara Cifre Eberhardt, Marina García-Granero Gascó, Ramón A. Feenstra, Margarita Boladeras Cucurella, Pedro Francés-Gómez, Cristina Rodríguez Marciel, Jorge Ledo, Antonio Gómez Ramos & Noelia Bueno-Gómez - 2017 - Isegoría 56:319-389.
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  18. Las patentes farmaceúticas y biotecnológicas: generalidades.Agustín Alconada Rodríguez, María José Carrascosa Gómez, María García Prieto, Miguel Lorca Melton, Tomás Llamas González, Esther Martínez Bravo, Cristina Zabalo Corvi & Vicente González Díaz - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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  19.  33
    Reflective based learning for nursing ethical competency during clinical practices.Isabel Font Jiménez, Laura Ortega Sanz, Juan Luis González Pascual, Pilar González Sanz, Maria Jesús Aguarón García & María F. Jiménez-Herrera - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):598-613.
    Background A combination of theoretical and practical approaches is required to learn and acquire ethical competencies in caring. Occasionally, reflection on practical action differs from theoretical learning. In the context of reflective learning, issues such as ethical values can be discussed since they evoke conflict among nursing students. Aim To identify ethical conflicts encountered by nursing students during clinical placements and to determine their cooperation strategies. Research design Qualitative study with a content analysis according to Elo and Kinglas framework. Participants (...)
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    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy.Ladislao Salmerón, Barbara Arfé, Vicenta Avila, Raquel Cerdán, Raquel De Sixte, Pablo Delgado, Inmaculada Fajardo, Antonio Ferrer, María García, Laura Gil, Nadina Gómez-Merino, Álvaro Jáñez, Gemma Lluch, Amelia Mañá, Lucia Mason, Federica Natalizi, Marina Pi-Ruano, Luis Ramos, Marta Ramos, Javier Roca, Eva Rosa, Javier Rosales, Alba Rubio, Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, Noemi Skrobiszewska, Cristina Vargas, Marta Vergara-Martínez & Manuel Perea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Animal Assisted Therapy Program As a Useful Adjunct to Conventional Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Patients with Schizophrenia: Results of a Small-scale Randomized Controlled Trial.Paula Calvo, Joan R. Fortuny, Sergio Guzmán, Cristina Macías, Jonathan Bowen, María L. García, Olivia Orejas, Ferran Molins, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, José J. Cerón, Antoni Bulbena & Jaume Fatjó - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional Em Tempos de Covid-19: Impactos Na África, América Latina e Portugal.Maitu Abibo Buanango, Lilian Fernanda Galesi-Pacheco, Yudi Paulina Garcia Ramirez, Cristina Amaro da Costa, Jaqueline Sgarbi Santos, Ana Pinto de Loura & Carla Maria Vieira - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):100-117.
    Economic and sanitary crises have great repercussions on access to food and the health of the population. In this context, austerity policies can have devastating effects on social rights. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the impact of various types of crises on the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition (DHANA) and on Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) of vulnerable populations and to identify of public policies, programs and actions developed based on the relief of the (...)
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  23. El castigo corporal como método de disciplina contra niños, niñas y adolescentes frente a la Corte Interamericana de Derecho Humanos: Un desafío internacional.Jorge F. Calderón Gamboa, Emilio García Méndez, Cristina Lafont, Alejandra Núñez Luna & María Laura Manrique Pérez - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 31:73-96.
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    Reading Cristina García's The Agüero Sisters as Latina Feminist Philosophy.Susan C. Méndez - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (2):388-403.
    Through an analysis of the interconnections or lack thereof between gender and epistemology, I present Cristina García's The Agüero Sisters as a text of Latina feminist philosophy. First, I use the works of Linda Alcoff and Walter Mignolo to illustrate the political nature of epistemology and how women and people of color in particular are disenfranchised from such a political endeavor. Then I examine the connections among the concepts of origin, absence, inheritance, and knowledge-construction in García's novel (...)
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    La palabra y su universo de sentido.Maria Espar - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 14 (8).
    Objeto o sujeto de derechos Nature: Object or subject of rights Cartay, Belkis Acerca de la racionalidad científica: Feyerabend y los límites de la argumentación Scientific rationality, Feyerabend and the limits of the argument Castrejón, Gilberto El embrión es vida humana The embryo is human life Chacín, Ronald Ética y política: Las consecuencias prácticas de la modernización en la óptica de una acción comunicativa Ethics and politics: Practical consequences of modernization from the viewpoint of a comunicative act De La Vega, (...)
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    Future Intentions of Fitness Center Customers: Effect of Emotions, Perceived Well-Being and Management Variables.Fernando García-Pascual, Vicente Prado-Gascó, Mario Alguacil, Irena Valantine & Ferran Calabuig-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27.  74
    Piccolo trattato di epistemologia.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2010 - Codice Edizioni.
    La discussione generale sulla filosofia della scienza contemporanea è complicata dal numero e dall’eterogeneità delle scienze, mentre lo studio di temi specifici porta inevitabilmente a dissertazioni specialistiche che mancano nel dare ragione della trama di senso sottostante. Questo Piccolo trattato di epistemologia intende occupare uno spazio vuoto, proponendo alcuni temi chiave per la comprensione dei meccanismi alla base della conoscenza scientifica: i rapporti tra filosofia e scienze, siano esse naturali o umane; la complessa relazione tra fatti e valori; la distinzione (...)
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    Las ciencias y sus métodos. José Maria García Prada, Manuel González de Lafuente, José Luis Izquieta, José Antonio Lobo, Fernando Muñoz Box, Jésus Pascual Arranz.B. Salvat - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (63):411-412.
  29. COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death: disentangling facts and values.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-4.
    In the ongoing pandemic, death statistics influence people’s feelings and government policy. But when does COVID-19 qualify as the cause of death? As philosophers of medicine interested in conceptual clarification, we address the question by analyzing the World Health Organization’s rules for the certification of death. We show that for COVID-19, WHO rules take into account both facts and values.
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    Harm should not be a necessary criterion for mental disorder: some reflections on the DSM-5 definition of mental disorder.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (4):321-337.
    The general definition of mental disorder stated in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders seems to identify a mental disorder with a harmful dysfunction. However, the presence of distress or disability, which may be bracketed as the presence of harm, is taken to be merely usual, and thus not a necessary requirement: a mental disorder can be diagnosed as such even if there is no harm at all. In this paper, we focus on the (...)
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    El atomismo como no-mundo. Algunas notas sobre la filosofía política de Hegel.Cristina García González - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:449-461.
    Mi trabajo recorre algunas ideas de la filosofía política hegeliana basadas en la convicción comunitaria del autor: la visión de la sociedad civil de su tiempo como el mundo del atomismo, la crítica al sufragio como principal método de toma de decisiones políticas, la reflexión sobre la familia, las corporaciones y el Estado como instituciones no regidas por lógicas de contrato entre individuos, y el lugar no prescriptivo que Hegel concedió siempre a la reflexión filosófica.
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    From vulnerable subjects to research partners: a critical policy analysis of biomedical research ethics guidelines and regulations.Maria Cristina Murano - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):539-558.
    Over the last three quarters of a century, international guidelines and regulations have undergone significant changes in how children are problematised as participants in biomedical research. While early guidelines enacted children as vulnerable subjects with diminished autonomy and in need of special protection, beginning in the early 2000s, international regulatory frameworks defined the paediatric population as vulnerable due to unaddressed public health needs. More recently, ethical recommendations have promoted the active engagement of minors as research partners. In this paper, I (...)
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  33. Quod "tépos" Graeci dicunt: el concepto latino "finis" respecto del griego "tepos" ante la problemática de la gradación del supremo bien planteada en el "De finibus" de Cicerón.Cristina García Santos - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (71):791-804.
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  34. El New Deal de la cooperación al desarrollo.Cristina García-Orcoyen Tormo - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:80-85.
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  35. The concept of disease in the time of COVID-19.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (5):203-221.
    Philosophers of medicine have formulated different accounts of the concept of disease. Which concept of disease one assumes has implications for what conditions count as diseases and, by extension, who may be regarded as having a disease and for who may be accorded the social privileges and personal responsibilities associated with being sick. In this article, we consider an ideal diagnostic test for coronavirus disease 2019 infection with respect to four groups of people—positive and asymptomatic; positive and symptomatic; negative; and (...)
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    Medicalising short children with growth hormone? Ethical considerations of the underlying sociocultural aspects.Maria Cristina Murano - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):243-253.
    In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of growth hormone treatment for idiopathic short stature children, i.e. children shorter than average due to an unknown medical cause. Given the absence of any pathological conditions, this decision has been contested as a case of medicalisation. The aim of this paper is to broaden the debate over the reasons for and against the treatment, to include considerations of the sociocultural phenomenon of the medicalisation of short stature, by means of (...)
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  37.  71
    Reviewing the Reproduction Number R in Covid-19 Models.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2022 - Philosophy of Medicine 3 (1).
    Most of the epidemiological models of the Covid-19 pandemic contain the reproduction number as a parameter. In this article we focus on some shortcomings regarding its role in driving health policies and political decisions. First, we summarize what R is and what it is used for. Second, we introduce a three-question matrix for the evaluation of any construct or parameter within a model. We then review the main literature about R to highlight some of its shortcomings and apply to them (...)
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    Nurses’ autonomy in end-of-life situations in intensive care units.Maria Cristina Paganini & Regina Szylit Bousso - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (7):803-814.
    Background: The intensive care unit environment focuses on interventions and support therapies that prolong life. The exercise by nurses of their autonomy impacts on perception of the role they assume in the multidisciplinary team and on their function in the intensive care unit context. There is much international research relating to nurses’ involvement in end-of-life situations; however, there is a paucity of research in this area in Brazil. In the Brazilian medical scenario, life support limitation generated a certain reluctance of (...)
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    The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States.Maria Cristina Ferreira, Theophilus B. A. Addo, Olga Kovbasyuk, Miguel M. Torres & Valerie Alexandra - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):545-562.
    Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual- and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In addition, we need to better understand how social beliefs are linked to ethical perception and the level of analysis at which social beliefs may best predict ethical perceptions. This research contributes to the cross-cultural ethical perception literature by examining the relationship of individual-level social cynicism belief, one of five (...)
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    Triangulation: From an Epistemological Point of View.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Gerhard Preyer (eds.) - 2011 - de Gruyter.
    This volume breaks new grounds by bringing together a great variety of innovative contributions on triangulation, epistemology, and mind. The notion of triangulation, developed by Donald Davidson during the last two decades of his life, has changed our understanding of the relationship between subjective, intersubjective, and objective, and shed new light on concepts such as externalism, internalism, communication, interpretation, and language. At the same time, however, it has been strongly criticized for several aspects. The papers collected in this volume written (...)
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    Physicians’ legal knowledge of informed consent and confidentiality. A cross-sectional study.Maria Cristina Plaiasu, Dragos Ovidiu Alexandru & Codrut Andrei Nanu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    Background Only a few studies have been conducted to assess physicians’ knowledge of legal standards. Nevertheless, prior research has demonstrated a dearth of medical law knowledge. Our study explored physicians’ awareness of legal provisions concerning informed consent and confidentiality, which are essential components of the physician-patient relationship of trust. -/- Methods A cross-sectional study assessed attending physicians’ legal knowledge of informed consent and confidentiality regulations. The study was conducted in nine hospitals in Dolj County, Romania. Physicians were given a questionnaire (...)
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  42. La filosofia e le sue storie: atti del Seminario "La filosofia e le sue storie," Lecce, gennaio-maggio 1995 / a cura di Maria Cristina Fornari e Fabio Sulpizio ; [interventi di Jean-Robert Armogathe... et al.].Maria Cristina Fornari, Fabio Sulpizio & Jean Robert Armogathe (eds.) - 1998 - Lecce: Milella.
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  43. La filosofia e le sue storie: atti del Seminario "La filosofia e le sue storie," Lecce, gennaio-maggio 1995 / a cura di Maria Cristina Fornari e Fabio Sulpizio ; [interventi di Jean-Robert Armogathe... et al.].Maria Cristina Fornari, Fabio Sulpizio & Jean Robert Armogathe (eds.) - 1998 - Lecce: Milella.
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    Editorial comment.Maria Cristina Paganini - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):285-287.
  45.  62
    The ethical component of professional competence in nursing: An analysis.Maria Cristina Paganini & Emiko Yoshikawa Egry - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (4):571-582.
    The purpose of this article is to initiate a philosophical discussion about the ethical component of professional competence in nursing from the perspective of Brazilian nurses. Specifically, this article discusses professional competence in nursing practice in the Brazilian health context, based on two different conceptual frameworks. The first framework is derived from the idealistic and traditional approach while the second views professional competence through the lens of historical and dialectical materialism theory. The philosophical analyses show that the idealistic view of (...)
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    A Disability Bioethics Reading of the FDA and EMA Evaluations on the Marketing Authorisation of Growth Hormone for Idiopathic Short Stature Children.Maria Cristina Murano - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (3):266-282.
    The diagnosis of idiopathic short stature refers to children who are considerably shorter than average without any identified medical reason. The US Food and Drug Administration authorised marketing of recombinant human growth hormone for ISS in 2003, while the European Medicines Agency refused it in 2007. This paper examines the arguments for these decisions as detailed in selected FDA and EMA documents. It combines argumentative analysis with an approach to policy analysis called ‘What’s the problem represented to be’. It argues (...)
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  47. Ontologies, Mental Disorders and Prototypes.Maria Cristina Amoretti, Marcello Frixione, Antonio Lieto & Greta Adamo - 2019 - In Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso & Don Berkich, On the Cognitive, Ethical, and Scientific Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag. pp. 189-204.
    As it emerged from philosophical analyses and cognitive research, most concepts exhibit typicality effects, and resist to the efforts of defining them in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions. This holds also in the case of many medical concepts. This is a problem for the design of computer science ontologies, since knowledge representation formalisms commonly adopted in this field do not allow for the representation of concepts in terms of typical traits. However, the need of representing concepts in terms of (...)
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  48. A análise de discurso materialista ea metodologia.Maria Cristina Komatz Domitrovic - 2011 - Entremeios 2 (1).
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    Reason and Rationality.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo (eds.) - 2012 - Ontos Verlag.
    Reason and rationality represent crucial elements of the self-image of human beings and have unquestionably been among the most debated issues in Western philosophy, dating from ancient Greece, through the Middle Ages, and to the present day. Many words and thoughts have already been spent trying to define the nature and standards of reason and rationality, what they could or ought to be, and under what conditions something can be said to be rational. This volume focuses instead on the relationships (...)
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    Opressões de classe, raça e sexo.Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    Pretende-se, neste artigo, desvendar as maneiras pelas quais múltiplas formas de opressão como o racismo, o sexismo e a opressão de classes se conectam e se retroalimentam constantemente formando um só sistema de dominação-exploração. Para que se efetive uma explicação destes conceitos e suas articulações, tenciona-se trabalhar autoras e autores como Heleieth Saffioti, Silvia Federici, Lélia Gonzalez e Karl Marx. Inferiorizações de imensos contingentes populacionais como mulheres e pessoas negras têm sido produzidas e reproduzidas constantemente dentro do modo de produção (...)
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